
NBSR Hypnotherapy and Personal Development

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Peruvian Tantra Rainbow Meditation

Vibrating Sound
Vibrating or resonating sound was used by many ancient cultures to focus the mind and project intent. When you vibrate a sound, you cause the bones and spaces in your body to resonate like a musical instrument, and that vibration is projected throughout the cosmos. The word "vibrate" is used to describe the molecular effect on the quantum field resulting from using the body's natural resonating chambers to amplify sound. Using the full resonance of the body takes some practice. Most of us are unaware of this, but there is a lot of space inside our heads, and I mean that in the kindest possible way... 

Vibrating a sound like "AH" like in "cup", the space in which sound can echo and build resonance in your body exists in your lungs, throat, mouth, nose, sinuses, and forehead (the frontal sinus forms a hollow space where the 3rd eye is situated.) By experimenting, you will find that allowing the sound to resonate in the higher chambers of the head involves learning to isolate and control the muscle at the back of the tongue, which directs the passage of air from the lungs through the nose, through the mouth, through both, or through neither.

You can easily experience this by making a long "AH" sound, letting the sound come out of your nose and mouth. To test if this happening, block your mouth with your hand, you should hear a "MMM" sound coming from your nose. Then hold your nose, you should here the "AH" from your mouth. When you have both, you have full access to the resonant potential of your body.

The Peruvian Tantra Rainbow Meditation

Sitting comfortably, shoulders relaxed, take your attention to the bottom of your spine. Visualise or imagine a RED ball of light pulsing in your coccyx, connecting you with the Earth, half in the ground, half in your body. The light grows stronger with sound. 
The sound is "EH" like in "egg". On each exhalation:

  • Vibrate the "EH" sound using the whole of your exhalation
  • Let the note that you choose be comfortable for your voice
  • Squeeze the muscles of the pelvic floor (muscle group used to hold in urination). This will keep your mind focused on the Root Chakra, encompassing this muscle group. 
  • Visualise or imagine the red light shining brighter in your Root Chakra with each breath
  • Do 10 resonant breaths 

Keeping your shoulders relaxed, centre your attention just below your naval. Visualise or imagine a bright ORANGE ball of light pulsing between your hips. The light grows stronger with sound.
The sound is "AH" like in "cup" On each exhalation:

  • Vibrate the "AH" sound using the whole exhalation
  • Let the note that you choose be comfortable for your voice higher or lower than the previous sound.
  • Squeeze the pelvic floor (relax each time you inhale)
  • Visualise or imagine the red light from your Root rising up your spine, shifting frequency as it rises, becoming an orange light shining brighter in your Sacral Chakra with each breath.
  • Do this 10 times

Bring your attention up to your Solar Plexus. Visualise or imagine a bright YELLOW ball of light pulsing at the bottom of your sternum. The light grows stronger with sound.
The sound is "EE" like in "sweet" On each exhalation:

  • Vibrate the "EE" sound using the whole exhalation
  • Let the note that you choose be comfortable for your voice higher or lower than the previous sound.
  • Squeeze the pelvic floor (relax each time you inhale)
  • Visualise or imagine the red light from your Root rising up your spine, shifting frequency as it rises, becoming a yellow light shining brighter in your Solar Plexus Chakra with every breath.
  • 10 breaths

Take a few breaths if you need to recover. Relax your shoulders.
Take your attention to your heart. Visualise or imagine a bright GREEN ball of light pulsing in your chest. The light grows stronger with sound.
The sound is "OO" like in "moon" On each exhalation:

  • Vibrate the "OO" sound using the whole exhalation
  • Let the note that you choose be comfortable for your voice higher or lower than the previous sound.
  • Squeeze the pelvic floor (relax each time you inhale)
  • Visualise or imagine the red light from your Root rising up your spine, shifting frequency as it rises, becoming a green light shining brighter in your Heart Chakra with every breath.
  • 10 breaths

Bring your attention up to your throat. Visualise or imagine a bright BLUE ball of light pulsing in your throat. The light grows stronger with sound.
The sound is "AU" like in "borne" On each exhalation:

  • Vibrate the "AU" sound using the whole exhalation 
  • Let the note that you choose be comfortable for your voice higher or lower than the previous sound.
  • Squeeze the pelvic floor (relax each time you inhale)
  • Visualise or imagine the red light from your Root rising up your spine, shifting frequency as it rises, becoming a blue light shining brighter in your Throat Chakra with every breath.
  • 10 breaths

Allow your attention to settle on your forehead. Visualise or imagine a bright INDIGO ball of light pulsing in your head. The light grows stronger with sound.
The sound is "MM". On each exhalation:

  • Vibrate the "MM" sound using the whole exhalation
  • Let the note that you choose be comfortable for your voice higher or lower than the previous sound.
  • Squeeze the pelvic floor (relax each time you inhale)
  • Visualise or imagine the red light from your Root rising up your spine, shifting frequency as it rises, becoming an indigo light shining brighter in your Third Eye Chakra with every breath.
  • 10 breaths

Let your awareness rise out of the top of your head. Visualise or imagine a bright VIOLET ball of light pulsing above your head. The light grows stronger with sound.
The sound is "ZZ". On each exhalation:

  • Vibrate the "ZZ" sound using the whole exhalation
  • Let the note that you choose be comfortable for your voice higher or lower than the previous sound.
  • Squeeze the pelvic floor (relax each time you inhale)
  • Visualise or imagine the red light from your Root rising up your spine, shifting frequency as it rises, becoming a violet light shining brighter in your Crown Chakra with every breath.
  • 10 breaths

Now activate the whole system, starting with the Root and going up to the Crown, remembering the colour and position of each Chakra, slowly at first, then faster as you remember the sequence. You can use the same note for all the Chakras, or, if you know solfah, (doh ray me fah so la tee doh) you can use the sequence as follows. (The tune is the same as a chiming clock.)

me doh ray so so ray me doh

Do this 10 times

The meditation can take anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour or more, depending on how long you choose to work on each Chakra. It is a wonderful prelude to silent meditation. Enjoy!