about 20% percent of weight problems are solved by correcting the
person's diet.”
Dr. J.
If you
belong to the 80% that is reading this article, you've counted carbs
and lost count of carbs; you've bought salad ingredients and found
them getting old in the fridge; you've booked a gym membership and
hardly used it; you've applied force of will power and lost weight,
only to gain it back as if with a vengeance; you may even be eating
the perfect diet, but it seams to make no difference. Do you ever get
the feeling that your body just WANTS TO BE FAT?
feeling caused Jon Gabriel, an American business man who would become
one of the worlds leading authorities on weight-loss, to search for a
reason why his body held the weight of 185kg and would not lose the
weight, no matter what diet he tried or how hard he exercised.
Gabriel's research led him into the field of hypnotherapy and the
power of subconscious belief systems. He set out to prove a hunch,
using himself as the test subject, and two years later his weight had
come down to 90kg without any sign of ever having been fat. More than
10 years later, he currently maintains this weight and runs
international workshops in which he teaches hypnosis and
transformational thinking to overcome obesity.
Gabriel's theory is ground-breaking in many fields: psychology,
weight loss, hypnotherapy, even neuro-chemistry, in that his “hunch”
was that he was subconsciously afraid of something. Without
understanding the nature of his fear, Gabriel was able to replace it
with a feeling of safety, using visualisation and hypnosis -
eventually convincing his subconscious mind to let go of his fear. It
took a little while longer than a restrictive diet would take, but
the results are permanent.
Andrew has received coaching by Jon Gabriel, and uses
The Gabriel Method as the basis for the NBSR weight loss program.
It Works
primitive area of the subconscious mind is responsible for survival,
the “fight/flight” response. Should your subconscious defences
become active due to fear of a situation or person, your metabolism
changes. Leptin, a hormone released in the duodenum (small intestine)
makes you feel "full". The thyroid gland, situated over the
sternum, regulates your metabolism. Under-activity of the thyroid or
hypothyroidism, decelerates the metabolism, whereas over-activity or
hyperthyroidism has an accelerating effect. From a behaviourist
perspective, both leptin and the thyroid gland are members of the
autonomic (subconscious) nervous system, and are therefore controlled
by the subconscious mind.
in the metabolism, according to prevailing subconscious belief
systems, occur thus:
If the
person believes he or she can fight the situation, (fight-response
dominance) the metabolism will decelerate to allow the body to
become physically heavier, storing fat so as to be more massive, in
preparation to resist the attack. If the person believes he or she
can outrun the situation, (flight-response dominance) the
metabolism will accelerate to allow the body to become physically
leaner and lighter, so as to be able able to run for long periods
without fatigue or damage to the joints.
climate plays a role in subconscious belief systems:
In a
warm climate where food is abundant, for example the Equatorial
regions, the average metabolism is accelerated to facilitate hunting
and escaping from predators. Conversely, in a cold climate where food
is scarce, for example the Arctic regions, the average metabolism is
decelerated to store up fat reserves that protect from the cold, and
insures enough energy to survive for days without eating.
In his
book “The Gabriel Method”, Jon refers to these subconscious
programs as Famine And Temperature programs, or F.A.T. programs, and
in this weight loss process, you will discover how to un-install the
subconscious F.A.T. programs, rebuild your self-confidence, develop
an affinity towards healthy foods and exercise, and learn how to
allow your body to become the body that you want.
the NBSR treatment combines with The Gabriel Method
- Since the method was conceived and developed by Jon Gabriel, it is essential to read his book "The Gabriel Method" to understand the theory and reasons behind your body's unwillingness to let you be your ideal weight.
- The identification and analysis of stress factors, and establishment of practical solutions, addresses the original cause of your weight gain. In cases such as past abuse or trauma, the cause can be clear, and your affirmation for daily use is immediately constructed according to your suggestibility. (see Kappasinian Hypnotherapy)
- In cases where the cause is not known or is unclear, Dream Work is used to identify it. The material in your sessions causes your subconscious mind to question the cause of your weight retention during dreaming. Dream Work teaches you to remember your dreams, so that you will remember when the cause is revealed.
- The Gabriel Method is essentially guided self hypnosis, so the personal affirmation plays a principal role in achieving your ideal weight. Your personal affirmation is updated whenever there is new information, or a deeper knowledge of the cause. NBSR Self Hypnosis keys into your own personal way of hearing, much like NLP, to increase your confidence and passion for doing the things in life that you love doing, and enjoy doing them.
- Hypnotherapy for hypnotic rehearsal and reverse dreaming, guides you through the material in your affirmation and gives you reference memories for your self hypnosis. Jon Gabriel's visualisation CD is introduced during hypnosis to create an association, so that when you listen to the CD at home you will go into hypnosis. As this process is recommended right before you go to sleep, there is no danger of staying hypnotised. (When you sleep, your mind goes much deeper than in hypnosis, so the hypnosis state will break naturally when you wake the following morning.)
- Binaural Beats induce the alpha state during hypnosis and help your subconscious mind to feel comfortable imagining your ideal weight. This is sometimes more difficult than it sounds, because your subconscious mind does not want you to lose weight at this time, so it needs encouragement.
- You will receive your own visualisation CD “The Gabriel Method” by permission of Jon Gabriel, for use at home. (duration 22 minutes) The CD is Jon's voice over a wonderful, relaxing Binaural Beats sound track, so you naturally become more familiar with the material on the CD. You will receive this visualisation CD at no extra charge, by permission of Jon Gabriel.
practised correctly, this treatment is guaranteed to cause a positive
change in your belief systems and your behaviour. If you have
practised these methods according to NBSR specifications given to you
in your treatments, and you can not see a positive change in your
attitude or behaviour after 60 days, you will receive 100% of your
money back, guaranteed.
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