
NBSR Hypnotherapy and Personal Development

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Neuro-Behavioural Sound Reprogramming Improves Memory

Memory is like a muscle: the more we use it, the stronger it gets.”
Dr. John. Kappas

The discovery that our brains work on the principle of "use dependency" has led to the maxim “use it or lose it” in the field of neuroscience. Anxiety from stress and fatigue from insomnia, overload the conscious processes, and are major causes of memory deterioration. Another cause is the habit of assuming that we will not remember. Unknowingly, when we think this way we create and reinforces the "lose it" aspect of the maxim, (since we are not using our memory) which creates a "mental block".

Neural behaviour functions by a series of spontaneous neural networks, the blueprints or designs of which are our belief systems. What we would call a “mental block” is actually a neural block, since the belief that we can not remember forms a neural network that blocks and does not include the ability to remember.

"Each time you think or say "I can't remember", you are actually creating a neural bypass in your brain that circumvents memory."
Andrew Wilding

Your Mind is In Charge
Neural networks form at the speed of thought, and are based on belief systems and attitudes. Within nanoseconds, an attitude such as “My life is too hectic for me to try to remember all the unnecessary details” has created neural network that does not include memory. The truth of the matter is that we are capable of remembering everything that we have ever seen, heard, or experienced, and we are capable of recalling almost any information that we desire to remember, with desire being the key word.

The course of Neuro-Behavioural Sound Reprogramming treatments to improve memory is essentially a process of nurturing your desire to remember. Your daily practices and new found cool, calm, collectedness become a new attitude, which, both figuratively and neurologically, “opens the doors” to your memory banks. The moment that you remember, your brain activates the neural pathways to your memory, instead of bypassing them.

How the NBSR Process Achieves Memory Improvement

  • The practical approach identifies any likely causes of mental stress, such as insomnia, work or emotional stress, or anxiety, and immediately takes steps to minimise the overload so that your mind is clear for good recall
  • NBSR relaxation techniques improve your ability to comprehend and concentrate. This benefit greatly improves your understanding of material that is important for you to remember at a later date, for example while studying for exams
  • While in hypnosis, your motivation and desire to remember is increased
  • Your confidence in your ability to do anything you set your mind to, and to have an excellent memory is built up, using positive memories of past achievements
  • Fear of failure to achieve your goals is systematically replaced with your personal affirmation, using self hypnosis to reprogram your attitude toward life challenges
  • Hypnosis is also very effective in increasing your ability to visualize. Training the visual aspect of your mind greatly improves your memory, and with commitment and practice, the accumulative result is a photographic memory.

Most people think of hypnotherapy as an easy way out, a quick fix. While results are generally seen over a period of months, there are cases of successful shorter treatments and even single treatments, but these are by far the minority. NBSR provides you with all the skills you will need to improve your memory, and all personal training you require to learn how to use these skills. If you are prepared to follow the program, you can use NBSR to achieve everything you want.

Copywrite 2012, William Shand

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