
NBSR Hypnotherapy and Personal Development

Thursday, 22 November 2012

What is Neuro-Behavioural Sound Reprogramming?

“Researchers estimate that stress contributes to as many as 80 percent of all major illnesses, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, endocrine and metabolic disease, skin disorders, and infectious ailments of all kinds... Stress is also a common precursor of psychological difficulties such as anxiety and depression.”
Prescription for Nutritional Healing 4th edition

Demands increase, brain stays the same
Modern humans are more stressed and diseased than our species has ever been in recorded history. The laptops of a decade ago have the memory of the cell phones today. As technological progress accelerates, so does our demand for technology in business and in our social lives, but our brains still have 100 billion brain cells, same as we had 1000 years ago.

Sleep is a vital function
Sleep literally gives your body new life. During dreaming, the subconscious mind integrates thoughts that have occurred during the day with existing belief systems, and forms new belief systems (neural networks) that determine your conscious behaviour and decision-making. Sleep is the only chance your mind has to resolve conflicting beliefs, confusion, and paradoxes, because when you are awake your mind is always busy with daily concerns.

If there is too much going on in your life, especially if there are unresolved events from the past, your dreams can not process it all, and the result is overload: stress. The symptoms of overload are short temper, resentment, emotional or violent outbursts, social withdrawal, anxiety, insomnia, panic, depression, and psychological problems, and psychosomatic illness. Everyone copes differently. Some choose medication, some self medicate (addiction), but most are in denial, wondering why life is not what we wanted it to be.

Behaviour And Subconscious Belief Systems
Meanwhile, beneath our conscious awareness, we are subconsciously drawing conclusions and forming beliefs about our environment and ourselves. Our beliefs are systems, as each relates to another. Belief systems are formed in the brain using neural networks, literally networks of neurons that work like blueprints for our personalities and our behaviour. The function of the subconscious mind is to keep us alive, and it  does this by acquiring and retaining information about our environment, and skills to help us succeed and thrive. On the nature of our information and skills, we build our beliefs, on the nature of our beliefs, we build our behaviour.

But our world is far from simple. Misunderstanding, misinformation, manipulation, and materialism, cast confusing shadows over what is real, and sometimes in the search for knowledge, all we find is information. The wrong information often misinforms a subconscious belief system, and the sabotage to our attempts to thrive is catastrophic.

"When we consider that what we have learned is merely learned and not necessarily true, we begin a journey of discovering vast potential in ourselves that we never before believed could even exist."
Andrew Wilding

When a sabotaging belief is observed to be wrong information masquerading as knowledge, it has a ripple effect throughout all connected systems in the subconscious mind, as each belief system integrates the new information. Hypnotherapy is highly effective in programming the new belief system because in hypnosis, the Critical Area is less active than usual, so the subconscious mind is open to suggestion. 

Hypnotherapy is an essential method of reprogramming the neural networks for our behaviour, but something quite phenomenal occurs when it is combined with other healing modalities. In 2005, Andrew Wilding founded Neuro-behavioural Sound Reprogramming in order to encompass the full extent of his training when addressing belligerent subconscious belief systems. NBSR is now based in Durban, South Africa. It is comprised of Behavioural Analysis, Hypnotherapy, Self Hypnosis Training, Binaural Beats, Reiki, Dream Work, and Meditation Training (Hypno-meditation)

NBSR Practice And Ethics:
  • The process begins with analysis to establish history, identify obstacles, and set goals for the treatment. Analysis is the essential foundation of the process, and continues throughout your treatment so that any necessary adjustments can be made. NBSR is based on progressive, common sense approaches to problem solving. Practical influences such as nutrition and quality of sleep are taken into consideration, along with any life stresses from exams or relationship problems. Any contributors to stress are identified so that you have a clear space in which to work. This is the "Neuro-behavioural" aspect of NBSR.
  • Once a clear direction is set, material for Self Hypnosis is established. An affirmation constructed according to your suggestibility is agreed upon and later emailed to you for your self hypnosis practice. NBSR places great importance in the individual taking responsibility, and getting involved with the solution.   
  • The Hypnotherapy component of the treatment provides the ideal environment in which to direct your attention towards the pre-established goals, and remove any fears or insecurities that may have prevented progress in the past. This is a one-way channel of communication. Andrew is not psychic, he can not 'see your thoughts', or tell anything about your subconscious mind while you are in hypnosis.
  • Binaural Beats are introduced in hypnosis via stereo speakers located in the chair. The "Sound" aspect of NBSR provides a relaxing, undemanding musical background, and at the same time deepens and stabilises your hypnosis. Although it may seem contra-intuitive, the mind actually functions more efficiently when thoughts and feelings are calm.   
  • Reiki is applied during the initial stage of hypnosis, to allow relaxation and eliminate tension and anxiety. The feeling is very dreamy, and yet you are still aware of everything around you.
  • Hypno-Meditation is your first task. Hypnosis is the most wonderful state in which to learn to meditate because you can really see your thoughts and learn to control them. Meditation becomes the keystone of your new-found confidence and control.

  • Hypnotic rehearsal is the technique most commonly used for the "Reprogramming" aspect of NBSR. Calmly and methodically, your new program is rehearsed until it feels natural for you.

  • Dream work is homework. Your dreams play a vital role in your transformation cycle, since dreams are a direct communication from your subconscious mind. 88% of your mind is subconscious, so its worth paying attention to what's going on in there! This aspect plays a role in the ongoing analysis throughout the NBSR treatment.

"Its a funny thing: the more I practice, the luckier I get!"
Gary Player
Whether we believe it or not, we deserve to earn enough, sleep enough, have enough fun, and enjoy life. NBSR achieves a higher level of effectiveness than any one of its component modalities. It was only when Andrew put NBSR into practice that he realised how the layering of these modalities was having a holistic effect on his patients, where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. As a holistic treatment, it is ideal for the treatment of any psychological or psychosomatic illness.

"It is our birthright to live disease, misery, and medicine free."
Ramesh Ramkumar

Copywrite 2012, William Shand,

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